Our New Outdoor Garage Lights

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Lately (If you follow my blog at all) you’ve been seeing what alls going down on the inside of the garagehellllpp meeeee. But today I’m showing you a little something on the outside. Garage lights. They’ve been one of the projects on the list but we weren’t in any hurry. They were just one of the nice extras. However, I mentioned the drywallers coming back and when they do, that wall to install the light will no longer be accessible from the inside. So… that project shot face-first to the top our homeowner list.

We went on the hunt for the perfect style fixture & preferring dusk to dawn so they would automatically turn on when the sun came up & turn off all by their little selves at dusk. However, the selection was limited in fixtures so that’s why we ended up going with these light bulbs. They transform any fixture to dusk to dawn.


Moving forward with decisions, These light fixtures spoke to me amongst the others. I was aiming for something not too big in size but not unnoticeable either. I wasn’t looking to spend a whole lot so once we seen the low price they came home with us.


Now for installation. We cut a hole in the siding, mounted the electrical box & attached the light. Then we caulked around the mounted light to seal it & keep any water out.

For a more polished look, we took a peice of leftover siding to Home Depot & they were able to match some exterior paint to the color of our siding so we could paint the bright white caulk.

I’m super happy with the final result! The dusk to dawn light bulb is dramatically bright and shine down at night on my Flower bed below like a spotlight. We did have to hack up a peice of painters tape over the sensor on the light bulb because it was too dark inside not allowing the sun to corporate with the bulb, therefore it never turned off all day long like it was suppose to. A simple trick was just popping out the dark lens with a small flat head screwdriver & putting the painters tape over the sensor. Worked like a charm thereafter!


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