christmas wood slice snowman

Wood Slice Snowman (A craft you can do with the kids)

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This cute wood slice snowman is the perfect craft you can do with the kids this holiday season and definitely as easy as it gets! I’ve been implementing craft projects with some supplies I had on hand. You may remember my plaid little diy wood slice snowman ornament. You can buy the wood slices in a bag at your local craft store, mine came in a mixed variety of sizes. Here is how you can get started making it!

christmas wood slice snowman

wood slice snowman craft


Hot Glue Gun (Here’s the one I use, it’s seriously amazing & has a detailed tip, Here’s the glue sticks as well)

Clear Elmers glue

Fine Snow 

Wood slices

Black Stiff Felt

Sticks from the yard

Scrap piece of fabric for the scarf

eyes & beads for the mouth (any other embellishments you would like to add)


You’ll first need to pick out your three wood slices (small, medium, and large).

Hot glue them together starting from the base & applying where the next peice of snowman’s body will sit when they’re stacked. Put a good amount of glue so that it will ooze out the sides. Before the glue dries lightly press the fine snow onto the wet hot glue. Be careful not to burn yourself. Do this between the other two wood slices.

Now go ahead & hot glue on your yard sticks for the arms. (You’ll want to hold the stick on the glue until it dries so it doesn’t slide.)

Cut out a snowman hat with the Black Stiff Felt and Hot glue it on (we liked it a little crooked but the placement is up to you). Glue on your eyes. You can use any kind of eyes. I have some laying around that I glued on, now hot glue your beads for the mouth, add your scarf and any other embellishments you’d like to add at this point.

Now you’re ready to make him snow covered! 

To add the extra snow to the snowman, apply clear elmers glue to the area and smear and rub around the wood with your finger. Sprinkle your snow on and pack down on it lightly. Repeat this process for anywhere you want snow on your snowman.

Let it dry.

Lastly, knock off any loose snow.

Happy Holiday Crafting, friends!!!

how to make a wood slice snowman

diy wood slice tabletop snowman

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