cute and funny pun valentine

Pun Valentine – Don’t Go Bacon My Heart

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Make this Pun Valentine for kids to hand out to their fellow classmates and close friends.

I love creating printables! I am also a huge fan of funny puns.

Today’s pun reads “don’t go bacon my heart”.

This fast and easy bacon valentine is perfect for your child’s next school Valentines day party.

Did I mention they’re super cute and maybe a tad bit cheesy!?

This is also a fun idea if you’re kiddo likes to do crafts at home since it involves a little cutting and creating. You Two can totally make them together.

Now, Let’s Make them!

Free Printable Valentines

Full List Of Supplies You Will Need To Create These Valentines Printables


Cardstock Paper (make sure it’s cardstock that can be used with printer)

Free Printable Tags – Download HERE

Free Printables Frying Pan – Download HERE

Sour Streamers (There are only 4 red to a pack there so if you need a bunch for a whole class go with this all red pack)

Cello Wrap



Free Valentine Printables Description

Gift Tags with Puns

The sheet of tags is a downloadable PDF that includes a total of 6 tags to a page. Once downloaded, you can print as many pages needed for the total number of students in his or her class. Here is a preview sample.

Frying Pan

This PDF includes 2 frying pans to a page (due to fitting and size). Again, once downloaded, print the number of pages you will need to provide enough valentines cards for kids. Here is a preview sample.

{The Fine Print***These Free Printable is for PERSONAL USE ONLY. THANKS***}

up close view up bacon valentine with candy strips

DIY Valentines – Instructions & Assemble

Begin of course, by printing out a sheet of tags and also printing out your sheet of frying pans.

You can do this by clicking the links above mentioned in the supplies list. Download your printable valentines to your computer then hit print.

Time To Put Your Diy Kids Valentines Together!

Begin by cutting out your frying pans.

Cut a piece of cello wrap bigger than your pan (the size of the actual pan – not including the handle).

Turn the pan over (showing the back side) on the table with the cello wrap underneath.

Push the pan upwards on the cello wrap leaving a small bit of the wrap above it (enough to reach the back of the pan). Go ahead and make sure the pan is centered on your cello wrap.

Now, starting at the bottom of the pan and working your way up and around the sides, begin to pull the wrap to the back while tucking and taping, working in sections for a clean look. It’s almost like wrapping a present.

When you reach the top go ahead and stop there. You should have a gap that still needs to be taped. Use this opening to drop in your “bacon”. To make it easier, squeeze the sides of your pan to keep the opening loose for the bacon candy.

To get a realistic crinkled bacon look, when putting in the candy strips, bend them using the sides of the pan and pushing the bacon towards you. You can really manipulate the bacon to look however you want.

candy used to look like bacon on  diy valentines

Once you get them how you like them, finish by taping the rest of the way. Anywhere that needs it on the top and pulling back and taping any excess.

You are ready to now cut out your tags. I purposely angled my tag from the back of the handle and the other side from the back on the pan and taped it down really good, so it wouldn’t cover up any of the bacon.

There are different ways you could go about this. Have fun with it!

Feel free to add child’s name or any personalization on the front or back of the tag!

pun valentine with candy as bacon strips

Pin these DIY valentines for kids so you can come back to this fun idea for later!

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