Ashley Playwrite Sectional

Our Ashley Playwrite Sectional Review

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Sharing our thoughts on our latest big purchase: the Ashley Playwrite Sectional.

We’re so glad you’re joining us today to learn about our honest opinion of our Signature Design Ashely Furniture sectional. This right here is the Ashley furniture sectional we own.

Chances are pretty high that you ended up here because you’re considering a Playwrite sectional or perhaps another Ashley Furniture sectional.  If that’s the case, read on! You might be happy with what I’m about to say.

We are so in love with the Ashley Playwrite Sectional!

Ashley Sectional Review

First and foremost, this post is not sponsored in any shape or form, these are simply our own recommendations and final thoughts on our couch.

One thing to consider, we haven’t had our sectional very long, about a month now, so, in that regards, I cannot speak for the life and longevity of couch but will be sure to come back down the road and give updates on how well it’s holding up as we do have three kids plus a dog and will get a lot of use out of it.

We really hesitated on buying a sofa online since we wanted to see it in person, to sit on it and try it out before bringing it home. Unfortunately, every Ashley Furniture and other stores that carried the Ashley brand around us did not have a Playwrite sectional to test out in any store. We went out on a limb and agreed to just go ahead and just order it. Since it was hard to find actual pictures and reviews of this sectional, we thought this post may have some value to someone else who may be on the fence.

What We Love About The Ashley Playwrite Sectional

Here’s a short list of our first impression, what we’ve loved about it so far and why we have zero regrets purchasing our Playwrite Ashley Sectional.

Easy To Put Together

We were able to unpackage it, screw the legs on and put it together in under 10-15 minutes. Watch us unbox it over on Instagram here!

The Look Of It

The Ashley Playwrite sectional has a contemporary living and modern style, is both versatile and neutral enough for any living space with its mix of white and gray fabric upholstery. It’s also a great fit for someone who likes the idea of a light-colored couch without the headache of it being too light and showing any blemishes.

We especially loved how many pillows came with the sectional. They felt like heavy duty designer pillows, not like the cheap kind.

Another bonus, if you have kids (or dogs), is the bottom of the couch is low to the floor. With our previous one, we were constantly moving the couch and cleaning where toys and balls would go under from the kids plus our dog. It’s no longer an issue anymore with our Playwrite sectional which is nice.

The Feel Of It

When our sectional arrived, we were so surprised how soft it was. I mean, it feels like a cozy fur blanket! Which of course, is difficult to capture in a photo.


The size is perfect. Our living room is on the small side, so we didn’t want anything gigantic and too bulky that took all the space. We bought the 3 piece sectional but there is also a 4 piece sectional available in the Playwrite if you have a larger living room space to work with. Also, it has deep ample cushioning, providing cozy seating and making it feel so roomy.

The Price Of it

The price alone was enough to win us over. We looked at other sectionals and for the quality, this was the best and most affordable sectional we came across.

Final Thoughts

All in all, we are extremely happy with this soft gray fabric sectional we purchased for our home, and we really don’t have any negative things to say about our new Playwrite sectional. Now that we have a sofa our whole family can fit on, the living room has slowly started coming together but we have some more future plans and DIYs for this room. I will also link the cabinet and the rug pictured above.

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