small foyer ideas/ how to decorate a console table

How To Decorate A Console Table in 6 Simple Tips

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Interested in some easy ways for how to decorate a console table? How about small foyer ideas and what to use for entry table decor?

A console entryway table is a pretty versatile piece of furniture that can be put to use in not only the entryway or small foyer but also in a hallway, dining room, even a living room, or almost anywhere.

Today I’m sharing some entryway decoration inspiration and some simple tips while trying to create an entryway that’s appealing yet fully functional.

So, keep reading for a list of things you can use to elevate your entry table decor and you’ll see a few photo snaps of simple entryway table styling of mine recently. These are entryway decorating tips you can work with and otherwise find helpful for your own console styling. It’s also fun to change it out with seasonal decor and of course switch things up when you want a different look or you get a new piece of console decor to showcase.

How To Decorate A Console Table

When entering my home or when walking past my entryway decoration it certainly makes me smile as well as serves a few useful purposes. Try to use a collection of things you love as well as things that might make life a little easier with how you use the space. For example, if you need a spot to drop your keys, baskets for either storing shoes, blankets, winter gear or etc. As I mentioned above, it doesn’t have to be complicated or earth shaking. You really just need to balance functionally and aesthetics. We have three kids so this was a must for us.

Decorative Console Table:

Tips for decorating a console table

Note: I’m linking console and decor items for everything (that I can) pictured below.

Choosing the perfect console table

Before we get into console table decor, if you don’t already have a console table then you will first need to find one that will fit your style and your needs. I chose one with four roomy drawers to help hide some of my junk. Extra storage is always a bonus. Here is the one that I have. Click over to this post to see more of the best console tables that are both stylish and affordable.

Add entryway art or a mirror

I will jump into console table decor and ideas for what you should actually put on the table below, however, making a focal point with either wall art or a mirror is a good place to start. You could totally get creative and make this your own since the options are endless. This is the artwork I am using (the texture and colors are so pretty and really helps to warm up the space).

Use baskets underneath

Personally, I love using woven baskets due to the extra storage. Like I mentioned, you can use them to store so many things and it’s so functional for a small foyer or an entryway drop zone. Even for a living room, having the storage for blankets and pillows close by is nice and you can store them in the baskets when they are not in use. If you’re a book worm, then I’ve also seen books stored in baskets as well as a good place to hide toys when children are not at play. Here are the baskets I used (they are super budget-friendly for the large size they are). I’ve seen other bloggers use stool ottomans, which work great too, especially to pull out for instant extra seating! Just be sure to measure accordingly for what will fit underneath your console table.

Layer artwork or mirror with smaller framed artwork

Leaning artwork has some perks. It really helps to elevate the space. You can get a completely new look just by adding a new framed art print in front. They are less expensive usually to change up rather than the big art and mirrors. Both of my smaller framed prints I used were only around $20 or less. Shop them here & here. Another way to display them tastefully is with a stand.

Add Some Height

In order to add some height and bring the eyes up to help balance the look, stick some taller things on the console table. A few ideas are a vase, set of candle holders or a lamp.

vase I stems I baskets I glass framed art I gold frame art I storage boxes I console table | lamp |

Smaller Decor

To complete the rest of the space some goodies you can add are things like decorative bowls, stacked books, book on display, trays or storage boxes. If you need more visual interest for your table, you can set your bowl, trays, or even a small plant on top of some stacked books which always looks nice. I bought a smaller storage box and stacked it on top of the larger one, you can find them here. My console table style is minimal due to the table being on the smaller side since I don’t like it to feel too cluttered. Obviously, the bigger the console table the more table space you will need to fill so there’s lots of decorative things you can use.

This post, hopefully, gave you some ideas to start decorating your console table.


small foyer ideas
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